Having a job interview is not an everyday occurrence so it makes sense that people sometimes experience anxiety prior to the big day. While we all pride ourselves on being a professional in our field, we aren’t professional interviewers. Many people only have a few interviews in their lifetime. While some of the tips below may seem a little elementary, everyone can use a good reminder of what to and not to do
1 – Make sure you are comfortable with the directions to the company. Drive by there before the interview and make certain you know where you are going and how long it will take you to arrive.
2 – Dress appropriately for the interview. Professional attire is important and shows that you put extra effort into your presentation. Dress for success!
3 – Research the company ahead of time. Be prepared to answer the question, “What do you know about our company”
4 – Emotional preparedness is just as important as your research on the company. Make sure you are in a good mood the day of the interview. Listening to your favorite song or thinking about a time when you felt great will help you be your best.
5 – Arrive on time! No more than ten minutes early is best.
6 – Carry a nice leather portfolio with multiple copies of your resume and room to take notes.
7 – Always be alert and interested in what the interviewer is saying. Your body language says a lot about your interest. Stay focused and engaged and avoid looking around and fidgeting.
8 – Enthusiasm is important. You can’t have a meaningful sale without a transfer of enthusiasm. The last four letters of enthusiasm are IASM:
Make sure there is a transfer of enthusiasm between you and the interviewer!
9 – Stay away from salary and benefits whenever you can. Focus on the opportunity and the fit first. If those things are good, you will have ample time to worry about the compensation, perks and benefits later in the process.
10 – Be prepared to ask questions. Inevitably, the hiring manager will ask, “Do you have any questions for me?” Your answer should always be “Yes”. Take advantage of the opportunity to find out things about the company that will be important to you down the road. Think about the future and the direction of the organization.